and with that always comes a new blog and lots more weight to lose. Both of which I NEVER stick to! Maybe this year will be different, but maybe it wont. I just know that once again....I will try!
I don't have a specific topic for which I will write about and I certainly am not going to make any rules because usually that is what I do, and that always fails! Maybe I will show some pictures and maybe I won't...Maybe I will talk about my day, my kids, or
you! I might use nice words or I may say ones you won't like. So if you do not like vulgar language today is the day you might want to stop reading.
I think today, I will post one of my favorite pictures I took. The night before Christmas SANTA'S MILK AND COOKIES

Santa might have gained a few more pounds from those cookies, he also wanted to leave in his note that they were damn good, but he used his Filter that night. Way to go SANTA.